About Homeopathy

Delve into the origins and principles of homeopathy, unraveling its rich history and understanding its unique approach to health and healing.

Homeopathic Remedies

The second principle of homeopathy, “the minimum dose” incorporates methods of dilution and potentization which differentiate homeopathic remedies from herbal, vitamin and mineral substances.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared from natural substances found in the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. Unlike the original crude substance, homeopathic remedies are prepared for dilution and then potentized. The potentization process involves repeated and vigorous shaking “succussion” of each subsequent dilution. Although extremely dilute, this process makes each remedy extremely effective yet devoid of all potential allergic or toxic effects allowing for safe effective healing.

The efficacy of homeopathy has been validated through its successes in treating adults, children and infants as well as animals. Homeopathic remedies can be safely taken if you are on medication, having a surgical procedure or are pregnant.

“The highest ideal of a doctor’s calling is to cure rapidly, gently, permanently the whole disease in a short time by a reliable way.”

- Hahnemann

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy treats the person and not the disease itself. It is because of this approach most medical conditions will be improved with homeopathic prescribing. By understanding the totality of symptoms (mental, emotional and physical) homeopathic practitioners are able to choose among the great number of remedies the one that best matches the symptoms of illness.

The third principle of homeopathy, states that a “single remedy” is given at a time. Homeopaths not only prescribe a remedy based upon the totality of symptoms but will also consider the general susceptibility of the individual who is sick. They will consider heredity, environment and lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise and mental hygiene which may be factors of stress to the system that will block healing. Homeopathy will remove these obstacles to cure and restore optimal health.

Generally speaking, people affected with chronic diseases do not experience improvement in their level of health with years of conventional medical treatment. There is usually a limited benefit offered with medications and many patients find side effects to be intolerable or at the very least, of great annoyance. This is not the case when patients are treated with homeopathy. When the body’s natural defenses are optimized, as they are with homeopathic remedies, changes take place for patients that target the fundamental cause of the disease within an individual.Homeopathy can treat long term conditions such as asthma, allergies, insomnia, recurrent infections, muscle pain, depression etc. as well as more acute conditions like allergic reactions, colds, flu and injuries. There may be some conditions requiring surgical intervention, at which time you would be referred for this treatment. However, the use of homeopathic remedies in conjunction with surgical procedures healing can minimize pain and shorten the recovery time.